Chapter 18. Package: eCos uITRON Compatibility Layer

Table of Contents
Option: Check Strict uITRON Standards Conformance
Option: System configuration overrides uITRON
Option: Inline Functions
Option: C++ Function Names
Option: Return Error Codes for Bad Params
Option: NULL is a good pointer
Component: Semaphores
Component: Mailboxes
Component: Eventflags
Component: Tasks
Component: Fixed-Size Memorypools
Component: Variable-Size Memorypools
Component: Alarm Handlers
Component: Cyclic Handlers
Component: Version information

Macro name





eCos supports a uITRON Compatibility Layer, providing full Level S (Standard) compliance with Version 3.02 of the uITRON Standard, plus many Level E (Extended) features. uITRON is the premier Japanese embedded RTOS standard.

Option: Check Strict uITRON Standards Conformance

Macro name





Require the rest of the system configuration to match the needs of strict uITRON standards conformance. This option can only be set if the rest of the system is configured correctly for uITRON semantics, for example there must be a realtime clock, a suitable scheduler, and no timeslicing. Of course a system without this selected can be completely conformant; this is here to help you check.