HAL Coding Conventions

To get changes and larger submissions included into the eCos source repository, we ask that you adhere to a set of coding conventions. The conventions are defined as an attempt to make a consistent tree. Consistency makes it easier for people to read, understand and maintain the code, which is important when many people work on the same project.

The below is only a brief, and probably incomplete, summary of the rules. Please look through files in the area where you are making changes to get a feel for any additional conventions. Also feel free to ask on the list if you have specific questions.

Implementation issues

There are a few implementation issues that should be kept in mind:

Source code details

Line length

Keep line length below 78 columns whenever possible.


Whenever possible, use // comments instead of /**/.


Use spaces instead of TABs. Indentation level is 4. Braces start on the same line as the expression. See below for emacs mode details.

;; eCos C/C++ mode Setup.
;; bsd mode: indent = 4
;; tail comments are at col 40.
;; uses spaces not tabs in C

(defun ecos-c-mode ()
  "C mode with adjusted defaults for use with the eCos sources."
  (c-set-style "bsd")
  (setq comment-column 40)
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  (show-paren-mode 1)
  (setq c-basic-offset 4)

  (set-variable 'add-log-full-name "Your Name")
  (set-variable 'add-log-mailing-address "Your email address"))

(defun ecos-asm-mode ()
  "ASM mode with adjusted defaults for use with the eCos sources."
  (setq comment-column 40)
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  (setq c-basic-offset 4)

  (set-variable 'add-log-full-name "Your Name")
  (set-variable 'add-log-mailing-address "Your email address"))

(setq auto-mode-alist
      (append '(("/local/ecc/.*\\.C$"   . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.cc$"  . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.cpp$" . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.inl$" . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.c$"   . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.h$"   . ecos-c-mode)
		("/local/ecc/.*\\.S$"   . ecos-asm-mode) 
		("/local/ecc/.*\\.inc$" . ecos-asm-mode)
		("/local/ecc/.*\\.cdl$" . tcl-mode)
                ) auto-mode-alist))

Nested Headers

In order to allow platforms to define all necessary details, while still maintaining the ability to share code between common platforms, all HAL headers are included in a nested fashion.

The architecture header (usually hal_XXX.h) includes the variant equivalent of the header (var_XXX.h) which in turn includes the platform equivalent of the header (plf_XXX.h).

All definitions that may need to be overridden by a platform are then only conditionally defined, depending on whether a lower layer has already made the definition:

hal_intr.h:     #include <var_intr.h>

                #ifndef MACRO_DEFINED
                # define MACRO ...
                # define MACRO_DEFINED

var_intr.h:     #include <plf_intr.h>

                #ifndef MACRO_DEFINED
                # define MACRO ...
                # define MACRO_DEFINED


                # define MACRO ...
                # define MACRO_DEFINED

This means a platform can opt to rely on the variant or architecture implementation of a feature, or implement it itself.