Arm Industrial Module AIM 711 Hardware Setup

The Arm Industrial Module AIM 711 comes with RedBoot installed as the default boot loader.

For developing without having a finished custom board, a starter-kit with a minimally configured board is available. It offers all the connectors needed for development, including serial device, Ethernet, power supply and an extra connector for the external bus.

Setup Hardware

Power supply

A 6V - 7.5V power supply must be connected to J2 or TB1. At J2 the inner pin is V+ and at TB1 it is pin 1.

Serial devices

The AIM 711 has 3 serial devices, which are the debug and diagnostic channel COM0 (/dev/ser0), the high performance 16550 UART COM1 (/dev/ser1) and the second internal device COM2 (/dev/ser2).

To use the debug channel, which is also the default for RedBoot, the supplied DB9-male cable must be connected to CN4. If the also available service board is used, the above connector must be disabled by setting JP1.

COM1 is available over the RJ45 connector CN2. This device can be configured as a RS232, RS422, RS485 or TTL level

COM2 is only available with TTL level at CN5.


The RJ45 connector CN1 is for Ethernet.

Installing RedBoot into FLASH

Using RedBoot

In order that Redboot can overwrite itself, Redboot is built as a ROMRAM image.

Load the RedBoot binary to the next free space:

RedBoot> load -m tftp -h -r -b 0x40000 redboot.bin
Raw file loaded 0x00040000-0x00063233, assumed entry at 0x00040000
Store it in FLASH:
RedBoot> fis create RedBoot
An image named 'RedBoot' exists - continue (y/n)? y
... Erase from 0x02000000-0x02025000: .....................................
... Program from 0x00040000-0x00063234 at 0x02000000: ..........................
... Erase from 0x021ff000-0x02200000: .
... Program from 0x007ff000-0x00800000 at 0x021ff000: .
Restart the AIM 711:
RedBoot> reset
... Resetting.

Using JTAG

To rewrite the FLASH using JTAG the service board must be used, which includes a JTAG connector.

More documentation

For more information please look at