Invoking the eCos Configuration Tool

On Linux

Add the eCos Configuration Tool install directory to your PATH, for example:

export PATH=/opt/ecos/ecos<version>/bin:$PATH

You may run configtool with zero, one or two arguments. You can specify the eCos repository location, and/or an eCos save file (extension .ecc) on the command line. The ordering of these two arguments is not significant. For example:

configtool /opt/ecos/ecos<version>/packages myfile.ecc

The Configuration Tool will be displayed (see Figure 15-1).

On Windows

There are two ways in which to invoke the eCos Configuration Tool:

You may run configtool with zero, one or two arguments. You can specify the eCos repository location, and/or an eCos save file (extension .ecc) on the command line. The ordering of these two arguments is not significant. For example:

configtool "c:\Program Files\eCos\packages" myfile.ecc

If you invoke the configuration tool from the command line with --help, you will see this output:

Usage: eCos Configuration Tool [-h] [-e] [-v] [-c] [input file 1] [input file 2]
  -h  --help        	displays help on the command line parameters
  -e  --edit-only   	edit save file only
  -v  --version     	print version
  -c  --compile-help	compile online help only

This summarizes valid parameters and switches. Switches are shown with both short form and long form.

--help shows valid options and parameters, as above.

--edit-only runs the Configuration Tool in a mode that suppresses creation of a build tree, in case you only want to create and edit save files.

--version shows version and build date information, and exits.

--compile-help compiles help contents files from the HTML documentation files that the tool finds in the eCos repository, and exits.