Chapter 18. Screen Layout

The following windows are available within the eCos Configuration Tool:

The layout of the windows may be adjusted to suit your preferences: see the Section called Settings in Chapter 17.

Configuration Window

This is the principal window used to configure eCos. It takes the form of a tree-based representation of the configuration items within the currently loaded eCos packages.

In the case of items whose values may be changed, controls are available to set the item values. These either take the form of check boxes or radio buttons within the tree itself or cells to the right of the thin vertical splitter bar. Controls in the tree may be used in the usual way; cells, however, must first be activated.

To activate a cell, simply click on it: it will assume a sunken appearance and data can then be edited in the cell. To terminate in-cell editing, click elsewhere in the configuration window or press ENTER. To discard the partial results of in-cell editing and revert to the previous value, press ESCAPE.

Cells come in three varieties, according to the type of data they accept:

In the case of string cells, you can double-click the cell to display a dialog box containing a larger region in which to edit the string value. This is useful in the case of long strings, or those spanning multiple lines.

Conflicts Window

This window exists to display any configuration item conflicts. Conflicts are the result of failures to meet the requirements between configuration items expressed in the CDL. See the Section called Conflicts in Chapter 24 .

The window comprises three columns:

  • Item

    This is the macro name of the first item involved in the conflict.

  • Conflict

    This is a description of the conflict type. The currently supported types are “unresolved”, “illegal value”, “evaluation exception”, “goal unsatisfied” and “bad data”.

  • Property

    This contains a description of the configuration item’s property that caused the conflict.

    Within the conflicts window you can right-click on any item to display a context menu which allows you to choose from one of the following options:

To locate the item involved in the conflict, double-click in the first or third column, or right-click over the item and choose Locate from the popup menu.

You can use the Tools->Resolve Conflicts menu item, or right-click over the item and select Resolve from the popup menu, to resolve conflicts — the Section called Resolving conflicts in Chapter 19.