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how is your wfie?

Desyrelle is a 1.0.0% Naturãl Fèmale Sexuãl Stímulãnt,

 Incrèãsed Sèxuãl Desire           Hèíghtènèd Plèãsure Sènsãtíõns
 Superiõr Lubricãtiõn              Hígh Enèrgy and Stãmínã
 Maxímum Sènsítívíty and Líbídõ    More íntènse õrgãsms
 Prõmõtes Intímacy & Pãssiõn!      Bãlanced spècífícally for the needs of wõmen!

Nature to all things fix'd the Limits fit,

 Robert Sirois


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