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Ecoooonomy is finalllly getttting beeeetter Summer

Dear Lloyd. 
 I have some bad news. The US economy is in trouble, with a high deficit, low savings rate and a ever falling US dollar as historical lows. The federal reserve has called a Special meeting to raise interest rates, to prop the falling dollar and correct our economic imbalances. 
 The good news is this is the last chance and opportunity to lock in low US interest rates ever. You may profit and save by acting prudent now. 
 As the Chief of one of America's largest lending financial Institutions, I personally invite you kindly review our pre-approved proposal that awaits you. Turn this bad news to profit and good news. 
 Kindly proceed here  
 To submit your interest for our personal bankers to contact you. Each submission also carries an opportunity to win having your mortage application written off and paid up as a raffle. 
 Kind Regards. 
 Chief Financial Officer. 

compress miguel macaque rubbish thiocyanate cenozoic fat englewood arachne pollutant sonora  wright peritectic reprimand tasty disciplinarian aristotelean huston descartes irwin jones elmhurst physiology tompkins lipread genie gain fleming 
facto escutcheon footprint consummate yaounde privy bimodal coil contaminate globular birth compass teen checksummed coercion dc jacobs murderous jacobson candela bill chide dalton haw cornbread aurochs do exegesis browbeaten file choreography invocate shako east charlemagne 

aptitude derivate downward cheat dreadful pica floe constrict allentown andrew crumple clang call ash quell umlaut mecca bray redbird tea plight linotype decomposable agate discretionary cantor run ami 

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