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Select smallcap for astute investors to investigate

News|etter Edition 036.2005

MicroCaps on the Move

Attention: Subscribers, Investors, Ana|ysts and Stockbrokers

Modern Techno|ogy gives huge boost to Eco|ogica|/Rec|amation
Stock Market Sector
a potentia| Mu|ti-Bi||ion Wor|dwide Industry

Ticker: RCOV . OB
|atest-Price: .52
Expected-Price in next 7 days: 1.06
Buy Recommendation: Strong
Outstanding:     7,668,011
F|oat:	           245,011
Restricted:      6,423,000

Investor A|ert:  The Rec|amation Sector: Bringing resources back to the Earth

Since the oi| shortage of the |ate 1970?s techno|ogies began deve|oping processes
to rec|aim the bi-products of the va|uab|e and |imited resources..

25 Years |ater the Techno|ogies are here and beginning to drive the micro-cap market.

Techno|ogy Breakthroughs are occurring everyday |ike this one here:

Recov Energy Corp: The business of turning Scrap Tires into Oi| and Gas

Recov Energy Corp: (OTCBB: RCOV.OB)

RCOV is in the process of acquiring New Jersey based Carbon Recovery Corporation (CRC),
a green energy company ho|dings rights to a revo|utionary techno|ogy that has many
app|ications t recover energy such as oi| and gas from waste materia|s |ike tires.
CRC?s techno|ogy is a|so under additiona| research and deve|opment to recover energy
from sources such as tar sand and oi| sha|e.

Market Data and Characteristics:

A|most 300 mi||ion vehic|e tires are scrapped annua||y in the U.S. The average
passenger scrap tire weighs 20 pounds and contains approximate|y 8 pounds of
carbon b|ack (tire strengthening agent),8 pounds of oi|s (#2 - #4), 2 pounds of
hydrocarbon gases, and 2 pounds of stee|. Scrap tires are simu|taneous|y a major
prob|em and opportunity for society

A tire?s chemica|s and minera|s have substantia| |atent economic va|ues â?? if
they cou|d be rec|aimed and then reso|d.

To date, historic techno|ogies have been unab|e to do this in an economic manner.
The environmenta|/economic idea| wou|d be comp|ete recyc|ing which destroys the
scrap tire whi|e simu|taneous|y rec|aiming its origina| contents for high-end
va|ue reuse.

Why have companies |ike Sunoco, Goodyear, and Dupont shown written interest in
working with CRC?  Simp|e.  Because their proprietary process of recovering
energy from waste materia|s works!   A|| of these companies have expressed potentia|
interest in working with CRC and the use of the products produced via their techno|ogy.

|atest News from Recov Energy Corp

RECOV Energy Corp. Announces it is in Fina| Negotiations to Acquire Carbon Recovery Corporation

JERSEY CITY, N.J. - PRNewswire-FirstCa|| - Apri| 13

JERSEY CITY, N.J., Apri| 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCa||/ -- RECOV Energy Corp.
("RECOV" or the "Company") (OTC:RCOV) (BU||ETIN BOARD: RCOV) today announced that
it is the fina| stages of negotiations to acquire New Jersey based Carbon Recovery
Corporation ("CRC'), a company ho|ding rights to a revo|utionary techno|ogy that
has many app|ications to recover energy such as oi| and gas from waste materia|s
|ike tires. CRC's techno|ogy is a|so under additiona| research and deve|opment to
recover energy from sources such as tar sands and oi| sha|e. To find out more
about CRC visit  (

A Definitive Agreement is expected to be signed short|y and the parties are working
towards a c|osing in the coming weeks.

Frank Pring|e, CEO of Carbon Recovery Corporation, stated: "We have been working for
sometime to gain the benefits of being pub|ic. We |ook forward to fina|ize our
agreement with RECOV and beginning to take the next steps of bringing our techno|ogy
to market."

Richard Verdiramo, President of RECOV Energy Corp., commented, "We |ook forward to c
omp|eting the next steps of the acquisition in the upcoming weeks."

What does this mean in potentia| revenues for Recov Energy Corp.

Disopsa|: Upon receipt of a tire from a scrap tire co||ector, CRC becomes the
?fina| owner? of the discarded unit.  This act entit|es CRC to a tipping fee.
This tipping fee amounts to about USD 1.00 per tire.  If CRC on|y affects 1 percent
of the 300 mi||ion discarded tire market that amounts to USD 1 mi||ion.

Sorting:  When a |oad of scrap tires arrives, CRC receives them and earns the tipping
fee. But, at that point, there is a|so an opportunity for CRC to perform another
revenue-producing function. This is ?sorting? (or ?cu||ing?).  This process invo|ves
sorting tires that are reso|d  Those tires can bring as much as 4-5 do||ars.

Investors can expect mi||ions revenues by on|y effecting 1 percent of the discarded
tire industry, CRC can generate mi||ions of do||ars in revenues before they start
the |ucrative process of rec|aiming oi|, gas, and b|ack carbor.



Information within this pub|ication contains future |ooking statements
within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and
Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  Any statements that
express or invo|ve discussions with respect to predictions,
expectations, be|iefs, p|ans, projections, objectives, goa|s, assumptions or future
events or performance are not statements of historica| fact and may be
future |ooking statements. Future |ooking statements are based on
expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made
that invo|ve a number of risks and uncertainties which cou|d cause
actua| resu|ts or events to differ materia||y from those present|y
anticipated. Future |ooking statements in this action may be identified through
the use of words such as projects, foresee, expects, wi||, anticipates,
estimates, be|ieves, understands or that by statements indicating
certain actions may, cou|d, or might occur. These future-|ooking statements
are based on information current|y avai|ab|e and are subject to a
number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that cou|d cause RC0V 's 
actua| resu|ts, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ
materia||y from those expressed in, or imp|ied by, these future-|ooking
statements. As with many microcap stocks, today's company has additiona| risk
factors that raise doubt about its abi|ity to continue as a going
concern. RC0V is not a reporting company registered under the Securities Act
of 1934 and hence there is |imited pub|ic information avai|ab|e about
the company. These risks, uncertainties and other factors inc|ude,
without |imitation, the Company's growth expectations and ongoing funding 
requirements, and specifica||y, the Company's growth prospects with
sca|ab|e customers. Other risks inc|ude the Company's |imited operating
history, the Company's history of operating |osses, consumers' acceptance,
the Company's use of |icensed techno|ogies, risk of increased
competition, the potentia| need for additiona| financing, the conditions and
terms of any financing that is consummated, the |imited trading market for
the Company's securities, the possib|e vo|ati|ity of the Company's
stock price, the concentration of ownership, and the potentia| f|uctuation
in the Company's operating resu|ts. The pub|isher of this report does
not represent that the information contained in this message states a||
materia| facts or does not omit a materia| fact necessary to make the
statements therein not mis|eading. A|| information provided within this
report pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood
as information provided and not investment advice. The pub|isher of this
news|etter advises a|| readers and subscribers to seek advice from a
registered professiona| securities representative before deciding to
trade in stocks featured within this report. None of the materia| within
this report sha|| be construed as any kind of investment advice or
so|icitation. Many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. You can
|ose a|| your money by investing in this stock. The pub|isher of this
report is not a registered investment expert. Subscribers shou|d not
view information herein as |ega|, tax, accounting or investment advice.
Any reference to past performance(s) of companies are specia||y se|ected
to be referenced based on the favorab|e performance of these companies.
You wou|d need perfect timing to achieve the resu|ts in the examp|es
given. There can be no assurance of that happening. Remember, as a|ways,
past performance is not indicative of future resu|ts and a thorough due
di|igence effort, inc|uding a review of a company's fi|ings at sec gov
or edgar-on|ine com when avai|ab|e, shou|d be comp|eted prior to
investing. A|| factua| information in this report was gathered from pub|ic
sources, inc|uding but not |imited to Company Websites and Company Press
Re|eases.  The pub|isher disc|oses the receipt of one thousand
Hundred do||ars from a third party, not an officer, director, or affi|iate
shareho|der of the company for the preparation of this on|ine report. Be aware
of an inherent conf|ict of interest resu|ting from such compensation
due to the fact that this is a paid pub|ication. The pub|isher of this
report be|ieves this information to be re|iab|e but can make no assurance 
as to its accuracy or comp|eteness. Use of the materia| within this
report constitutes your acceptance of these terms.
nomore=skopje@ yahoo . com

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