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eCos port to Cobra 5329


I have started a BSP for senTec's COBRA5329 starter kit for eCos.

I was using the uClinux dragonfire gcc compiler
(m68k-uclinux-gcc-4.1.1) but noticed you have a more recent 4.3.2
m68k-elf toolchain which I switched to but it will not run on a 64-bit
system by default:
$ m68k-elf-gcc -v
bash: m68k-elf-gcc: /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such
file or directory

Your instructions in say you
need to install the libstdc++ v3 compatibility package but make no
mention that the tools are built for 32bit linux and so also require
the 32-bit version of glibc on 64-bit systems. You may wish to update
your instruction on that web page as 64-bit systems are rapidly
becoming the norm so many users will fall foul of this.

The problem is easily fixed on Fedora:
$ yum install

which you should add to the web page for 64-bit installations.


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