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Re: [ECOS] Macro problems in arm-elf-as

   Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 14:40:45 -0700 (PDT)
   From: The Utz Family <>

   could somebody work arounds this by preprocessing? comments get stripped
   prior to compilation, so if somebody were to preprocess this independent
   of as and the feed it to as after processing ( assuming that there is a
   flag that tells as that it will be receiving predigested input ).....

Yes, there is such a flag: -f.  However, that flag normally requires
that the assembler input follow a fairly precise format (.e.g, no
multiple consecutive spaces), and is generally only intended to be
used when assembling compiler output.

   my other tremendously lame suggestion is to go in and hack the code to 
   turn off comment processing in the parser and not use any comments ( thats
   pure heresy to me, but it doesnt mean that you couln't have the comments
   in the checked in copy for now, and then just strip them with a perl
   script or something...... ) 

You'll still have line comments: if the first character on the line is
`#', the ARM assembler will ignore the line.  The `@' character is
different because it works anywhere that it appears.  You can easily
disable the special handling of `@' by changing comment_chars in
gas/config/tc-arm.c.  But your code won't work with an unhacked


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