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Re: Time Slice

Chandrasekhar G wrote:
> Hi,
>      I am running a program on Linux Synthetic Target.  I configured for the
> scheduler 'mlqueue' and enabled time slicing.   After each tick the clock DSR
> is calling Cyg_Scheduler::scheduler.timeslice().  While debugging, I want to
> single step into this routine.  I am using 'Insight' for debugging on Linux.
> Can anybody suggest a solution?

You mean that you are in the clock DSR and you want to single step into the
Cyg_Scheduler::scheduler.timeslice() but it doesn't work? You should be
able to. 

Or are you just trying to find the function? It's in mlqueue.cxx. Go to
that file in Insight and set a breakpoint at the beginning.

OOI in general, if debugging features like this don't work, if at all
possible turn optimization off - i.e. in the Global compiler flags, remove
the -O2 flag. Then do a Build->Clean, followed by Build->library to rebuild
the library.

Red Hat, 35 Cambridge Place, Cambridge, UK. CB2 1NS  Tel: +44 (1223) 728762
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