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Re: # ticks per second? wrote:
> Is this rows correct to obtain the number of ticks per second? I want some
> timers to go off after some seconds.
> /Andreas
> cyg_resolution_t clock_res;
> cyg_handle_t clock_handle;
> cyg_uint32 sec;
> clock_handle=cyg_real_time_clock();
> clock_res=cyg_clock_get_resolution(clock_handle);
> sec=(clock_res.divisor/clock_res.dividend)*1000000000; //dividend/divisor?

Yes, although you run the risk of underflow: divisor would typically be
something like 100 whereas dividend would be 1E9. So try using:

unsigned long long lltmp;
tmp = (clock_res.divisor*1000000000)/clock_res.dividend;
sec = tmp;

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