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Re: How to use cyg_io_select

I'm not entirely clear on your problem but anyway.
  But since you say you want a non-blocking read, I don't know quite why
  there would be anything that needed waking up!
Sory it wasn't clear, hope this will be better:
     I want a blocking read when no data is available, and a non-blocking read as regards to the number of byte to read (I want to be woken up when I can read 1 or more byte, and I don't want to call read once and get all bytes available).
For the thread to wake
up, it must have been blocked waiting in select(). That means having opened
and used the serial devices using open/read/write, and not cyg_io.
cyg_io_select() is the select file operation, it isn't actually an
equivalent of select().
Does this mean I need Posix Package to be able to wake-up my thread (the file package/io/fileio/current/test/select.c begins with "POSIX package needed to run test")?


& france telecom 
Mamalet Franck
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