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Re: sscanf() vs. fgetc()

Hi Jonathan,

thank you very much for trying the example. Indeeed very kind of you!

>fgetc() done.

Why doesn't fgetc() block in your case?
Were there characters in the serial buffer?
For me, fgetc() does block due to empty buffer.

>sscanf done.
>main() finished
>This was on a PC target FWIW.

Which priority value did you have for the sscanf() thread?
I had the default of "10", which means lower priority than
the "9" in the fgetc() thread.
(Otherwise sscanf() works for me as well.)

>Perhaps you should step into sscanf() and see where it stops.

I tried, of course. Singlestepping has the tendency of being a bit
problematic on my target.
(probably due to optimized code, and the way singlestepping works without
hardware support).
I experience sigtraps when trying to singlestep my way down. Ignoring them,
I end up
in the scheduler, but don't understand too much of what is going on there.
(Not sure if I can get any meaningful results this way.)

>Or if it gets stuck, press Ctrl-C and then "info threads", then switch to
the main thread
>and do a backtrace.

Ctrl+C doesn't work for my Hitachi SH3 target. I help myself with an NMI
button, so I can see memory contents, but have no easy way to get back into
the main() context.


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