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Re: Questions about GDB Ctrl-C support.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 10:47:52AM +0200, Jesper Skov wrote:

> >> If you've got a VV enabled HAL,
> Grant> I don't enable VV when I build eCos.
> Grant> I don't want my HAL making calls to RedBoot during normal
> Grant> operation -- that introduces a dependancy between RedBoot and
> Grant> eCos app versions.  I'll tolerate that dependancy in the case
> Grant> where somebody wants to use the RedBoot gdb stubs: if they want
> Grant> that to work, then they've got to make sure they've got the
> Grant> proper bootloader version.
> VV are not RedBoot (or vice versa). Please read

Yes, I've read it.  My understanding is that if I let my eCos
apps use VV services provided by RedBoot, then RedBoot has to
be present in memory, it has to be initialized, and it has to
be a version who's VV interface is comptabile with the VV
interface used by the application.  Is that not true?

> In summary: if you want the application to provide all the
> services, simply set the options so all vectors are claimed by
> the application on startup. RedBoot will not be used then.

But I do want to use RedBoot.  I want to use its GDB stubs.  I
just don't want to use use RedBoot for non-gdb services (printf
output).  I'll look at the VV interface stuff again, but I
didn't see how to enable one without enabling the other.

So I added an ISR to my HAL that checks for CTRL-C and calls
the "add-breakpoint" entry in RedBoot's VV table.  That routine
is the only place my HAL that uses RedBoot, so the only time
you have to have RedBoot present is if you want to use it for
debugging via GDB.

Grant Edwards

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