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Re: newbie question - EB40 serial

At 13:38 25.9.2001 +0200, Joerg Manderbach wrote:
>I have some problems with the serial communication at the EB40-Board.
>I use ser0 as a diag-output and ser1 just to send a little string to a
>When I set the Buffers in the configtool to 0 the cyg_io_write(....)
function works correct but when I set the buffer to more than 0 bytes the
>function always sends only the first character of the string and than it
>What I do not understand is the following: When I use the debugger (
jtag-port) and step (single) throught the program than it works (with 
>128bytes buffersize) and the cyg_io_write function sends the complete
string to the terminal.
>So what's the difference between single stepping an just running the
function ????

I had a similar problem, search the list a while back. I think I posted the
solution. Do you have the latest sources, there was a little bug in

>How can I set different buffersizes to RX / TX for each serial ? The
configtool doesn't allow this...... 

Why would you need to do that? Unless you are REALLY short of memory ;)

>Thank you


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