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Re: Multiple thread support in eCos

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your response. 
As far as the kerner configuration is concerned, I haven't changed anything in the original ecos.ecc file except some small changes for run time memory usage and things like that. Please find furthur clarifications on your queries:

1. Thanks for the clarification that ecos threads are not maintained in a tree like structure and will continue to work even after the main exits.

2. What I ment by threads running simultaneously is, atleast both the threads should continue to execute on a time sharing basis. But in my case both the threads get executed once and stop.

3. I was just trying to print from 1 to 10 in threads and there is no significance for that. 

4. You had mentioned in your response mail that there should not be context switch within the threads, but the way I am priting is to use the second serial port available on the board and sending the debug messages to the Hyper terminal application. This is a context switch, could this be causing any issues?

Your suggestions surely help me resolving the issues I am facing.

Please find the application source code also pasted below.

#include "DIAG_Debug.h"
#include "OS_Thread.h"
#include "OS_Timer.h"
#include "OS_Event.h"

uint32	ghConnectEvt[2];

#define INFINITE    0xffffffff	

static void thread_1(void *pvData)
    unsigned char i;
	for(i=0; i<10; i++)
           MSG_DebugInfo_SYS(("i=%d", i));

static void thread_2(void *pvData)
    unsigned char j=10;
	for(j=0; j<10; j++)
            MSG_DebugInfo_SYS(("j=%d", j));

void timeoutFunc(void *pvData)
    static unsigned char iCount = 0;

    if(iCount == 0)
	iCount = 1;
    else if(iCount == 1)
	iCount = 0;

int main(void)
    int i = 0;
    CallbackFuncData *hTimer;

    MSG_DebugInfo_SYS(("OS Thread tester"));
    /* Create threads and then the start the timer */
    OS_CreateThread(thread_1, NULL);
    OS_CreateThread(thread_2, NULL);
    hTimer = OS_StartTimerInfinite(1000,      (TimerCallbackFunc)timeoutFunc, NULL);

    OS_WaitForEvent(ghConnectEvt[0], INFINITE);	
    return 0;         	

All timer and thread calls are through abstraction layer written for eCos.

Thanks & Regards,

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