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Re: Per Thread Destructors Question


I am writing an application that dynamically creates threads. After
consulting the documentation, it is not clear if per thread destructors
[created via cyg_thread_add_destructor()] can be used to do a
cyg_thread_delete() on one's own exited thread and follow that up with a
free() of the thread stack, etc?

The destructors are called from Cyg_Thread::exit(), which looks like this:

void Cyg_Thread::exit(){

Cyg_Thread *self = Cyg_Thread::self();

   cyg_ucount16 i;
      if (NULL != self->destructors[i].fn) {
         destructor_fn fn = self->destructors[i].fn;
         CYG_ADDRWORD data = self->destructors[i].data;

So, there are two problems:

  1. when thread is trying to delete itself
  2. cleaning the stack

When You attempt 1., cyg_thread_delete() calls thread->kill() method, which will
return upon detecting that it is "killing itself":

void Cyg_Thread::kill() {

   // If this is called by the current thread on itself,
   // just call exit(), which is what he should have done
   // in the first place.
   if( this == Cyg_Scheduler::get_current_thread() )

The exit() method is running on the thread stack, so if You try 2. to free it in per-thread
destructors, there is chance to crash the system (destroying the ground under Your feet).

In other words, does the destructor run in the context of the thread itself
or as part of kernel after the thread itself has exited - such that all
thread context can be free'd.

The destructor is running in the context of the thread that called exit(), so it can't be used
to free the thread "context".

If this procedure is not legal what is the recommended way to allow all such
resources to be reclaimed on thread exit.

The question is what is the most elegant way to do it. :-) There are some proposals in the
"Threads on ecos" confirmation needed... message and follow-ups...

Regards, Ivan.

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