David Brennan <eCos@brennanhome.com> writes:
If anyone cares. I found that the problem was that the PCI window was
set too small on the pc targets for dual 82559's. I changed them all
from 0x64000 to 0x100000. (Anyone know where the 0x64000 would have
come from? Strange number and almost all other targets use 0x100000.)
That size was chose so that RedBoot plus the PCI window would fit into
the bottom 640k. This only applies to the FLOPPY startup, but was
probably carried over into the other startup types. For the common
case of a single ethernet device it doesn't matter.
A better approach for running dual 82559's is to simply reduce the
number of TX and RX descriptors in the CDL. The defaults of 128 of
each are ridiculously large, and you can reduce them to 32 each with
no problem. That, I believe, is how I have got two 82559's running in
the past.