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Error Package
- From: andy at grapevinetech dot demon dot co dot uk
- To: ecos-discuss at sources dot redhat dot com
- Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 17:44:10 +0100
- Subject: [ECOS] Error Package
This weekend, I was trying to create a small eCos image and so I tried to remove the ISO C package. Unfortunately this left me with a conflict, which appeared to be a dependancy in the Error Package on the ISO-C package.
Commenting out the
requires { CYGBLD_ISO_ERRNO_CODES_HEADER == "<cyg/error/codes.h>" }
entries in the Error Package CDL allowed me to compile eCos, seemingly without errors.
My understanding was that the error package existed in order to allow the ISO C package to be removed, but it appears that there is a dependency backwards?
Thanks for any enlightenment,
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