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Timer: IRQ and FIQ mode
- From: "Sicheri Marco" <m dot sicheri at ctsgroup dot it>
- To: "eCos Discus.List" <ecos-discuss at sources dot redhat dot com>
- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 14:36:37 +0200
- Subject: [ECOS] Timer: IRQ and FIQ mode
- Organization: CTS electronics
- Reply-to: "Sicheri Marco" <m dot sicheri at ctsgroup dot it>
Hi All,
I've the Samsung s3c44b0x.
I dev. e simple code, two threads and one timer that generate a interrupt
(timer2). (see the previous mail timer->interrupt for check my code).
It work ok if i set the interrupt by IRQ, but if I set it by FIQ. The
interupt work good, but the threads don't work.
I had set (with lauterbach) a break in each thread, and the code run there
only if the interrupt is the IRQ mode.
Why? Could you help me?
Where is my error?
Ossequi, (Best Regards/Obrigado)
CTS electronics - R&D Department
phone: +39 0125 235637, +39 0125 235630
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