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TCP: accept fails whereas connect succesful
- From: Thierry Brémard <bremardt at esiee dot fr>
- To: ecos-discuss at sources dot redhat dot com
- Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:20:14 +0300
- Subject: [ECOS] TCP: accept fails whereas connect succesful
I am still on my TCP Server,
I managed to specify a static IP address and now I am able to connect
from my arcom viper card to my PC and send to my pc data via TCP
However my final issue is to build a server on my viper card.
My function OpenPort return with 1 (succesful) and when I attempt to
connect (whith the correct ip and correct port) with a telnet
<viper_ip> <port_opened> , I can see SYN request from my PC without
any ack from the viper.
Furthermore, it doesn't reply to arp request (ie for the moment I have
to set a arp -s ip mac to be able to send packets to the viper .. but
the viper announce itself (once)just after the go command )
I built my project with the eCos configuration Tool, selected the
'net' package, checked and filled the 'address setups for eth0' and
unchecked the DNS support (because only work whit ip addresses).
Here is the output of redBoot, lauching my eCos program
RedBoot> go
[cyg_net_init] Init: mbinit(0x00000000)
[cyg_net_init] Init: cyg_net_init_devs(0x00000000)
Init device 'lan91cxx_eth0'
[cyg_net_init] Init: loopattach(0x00000000)
[cyg_net_init] Init: ifinit(0x00000000)
[cyg_net_init] Init: domaininit(0x00000000)
[cyg_net_init] Init: cyg_net_add_domain(0x0043d774)
New domain internet at 0x00000000
[cyg_net_init] Init: cyg_net_add_domain(0x0043d1fc)
New domain route at 0x00000000
[cyg_net_init] Init: call_route_init(0x00000000)
[cyg_net_init] Done
BOOTP[eth0] op: REPLY
htype: Ethernet
hlen: 6
hops: 0
xid: 0x0
secs: 0
flags: 0x0
hw_addr: 00:80:66:10:14:ee
client IP:
my IP:
server IP:
gateway IP:
subnet mask:
IP broadcast:
[eth_drv_ioctl] Warning: Driver can't set multi-cast mode
[eth_drv_ioctl] Warning: Driver can't set multi-cast mode
[eth_drv_ioctl] Warning: Driver can't set multi-cast mode
Server Redboot !
Opening port 105..ok
is the fact that I have the message:
[eth_drv_ioctl] Warning: Driver can't set multi-cast mode
is normal ?
the code blocks at "Opening port 105..ok" :at the call of accept(),
but I doesn't handle any connections. nor reply to any arp reply ..
Here is the source code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <network.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#define SOCKET_ERROR -1
int OpenPort(unsigned short port)
struct sockaddr_in sin;
int sock;
if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))== SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("error in OpenPort, socket()");
return 0;
sin.sin_port = htons(port);
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
// sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_len = sizeof(sin);
if(SOCKET_ERROR == bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin,
sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ))
printf("error in OpenPort, bind()");
return 0;
if(SOCKET_ERROR == listen(sock, SOMAXCONN))
printf("error in OpenPort, listen()");
return 0;
return sock;
int Connexion(unsigned short port)
struct sockaddr_in sin;
int sock;
if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))== SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("error in OpenPort, socket()\n");
return 0;
sin.sin_port = htons(port);
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
if(SOCKET_ERROR == connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin,
sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ))
printf("error in Connexion, connect()\n");
return 0;
return sock;
// envoi les données pointées par data taille = len
// tout est envoyé grace à un appel à recv dans le while
// retourne le nombre d'octets envoyés
int SendData(int sock, char *data, int len)
int total = 0;
int ret;
while((ret = send(sock, data, len, 0))>0) // envoi les données
total += ret; // octets envoyés au total
data += ret; // pointe plus loin sur les données non
len -= ret; // la taille restante diminue
return total; // nombre d'octets envoyés
// envoie la chaine de caractère ascii, terminée par un 0.
// retourne le nombre d'octets envoyés (n'envoie pas le 0)
int SendString(int sock, char *str)
return SendData(sock, str, strlen(str));
// recoit des données, les stocke dans buffer
// la réception s'achève oubien quand len octets ont été recus
// ou bien quand \n est recu.
// les caractères \r et \n sont enlevés de la fin du buffer avant de
// le nombre de caractères mis dans buffer est retourné.
int RecvLine(int sock, char *buffer, int len)
char c;
int total = 0;
int ret;
memset(buffer, 0 , len);
while( (total<len) && ((ret = recv(sock, &c, 1, 0))>0) )
memcpy(&buffer[total], &c, ret ); // buffer[total] = c;
total += ret; // total++;
if(buffer[total-1] =='\n')
break ; // sortie de la boucle si retour chariot recu.
len = strlen(buffer);
while((buffer[len-1] =='\n') || (buffer[len-1] =='\r'))
buffer[len-1] = 0; // écrase \n ou \r par caractère de fin de
if(!len) // si taille nulle
break; // termine la boucle
return len;
//void cyg_user_start(void)
int main(void)
//int i;
int sock, client;
char buffer[1024];
// calibrate_load(DESIRED_BACKGROUND_LOAD);
printf("Server Redboot !\n");
if(sock = Connexion(90))
//(commented but this piece works fine)
printf("Connected ... ");
SendString(sock, "Hello Server, I am the Viper !!\r\n");
SendString(sock, "quit\r\n");
printf("Opening port 105..");
if(!(sock = OpenPort(105)))
printf("error opening port !\n");
return 0;
if(SOCKET_ERROR == (client = accept(sock, NULL, 0)))
printf("error of accept!");
return 0;
printf("Client connected!");
strcpy(buffer, "Hello you are on the Viper Server!\r\n");
SendString(client, buffer);
while(strncmp(buffer, "quit", 3))
RecvLine(client, buffer, 1024);
printf("client sent: %s", buffer);
SendString(client, "220 ok for");
SendString(client, buffer);
SendString(client, "\r\n");
puts("Server finished");
return 0;
the connexion works fine but the open port blocks at accept and
doesn't seem to handle client connections.
Thank you
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