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Re: DSR stops running after heavy interrupts. Bug found?

On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 12:18:24AM -0400, Joe Porthouse wrote:
> Found it!!!  
> It took two days to figure out what was happening but I think I have a
> handle on it.  See if this sounds right.
> After an ISR executes, if there is an associated DSR to execute, the DSR is
> added to the DSR list and a scheduler lock is made.  Since DSRs are run with
> interrupts enabled, the scheduler lock will prevent the application code
> from running until all DSRs finish and release each of the scheduler locks.
> After adding the DSR to the list, if there is only one scheduler lock (the
> one just added), then a call must be made to start the first DSR executing.
> If more then one scheduler lock is in place, then execution must resume from
> where it left off (DSR or other critical section).  The DSR will start after
> the next scheduler unlock is called.
> If the ISR does not have an associated DSR, nothing is added to the DSR list
> and the scheduler lock is not made, allowing the application or DSR to
> resume when the ISR finishes.
> The problem is in the /hal/arm/arch/current/src/vectors.S file at line 951.
>   // The return value from the handler (in r0) will indicate whether a 
>   // DSR is to be posted. Pass this together with a pointer to the
>   // interrupt object we have just used to the interrupt tidy up routine.
>   // don't run this for spurious interrupts!
>   cmp     v1,#CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_NONE   <-- Incorrectly references R4
>   cmp     r0,#CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_NONE   <-- Change to this
> The wrong register is referenced to determine if the ISR has a DSR to add to
> the DSR list.  Since any value in R4 other then 0x0001 will call the
> routines to add a DSR, and I assume most ISRs have a DSR, the default
> behavior seems to works by chance in most configurations.

I don't think this is the correct interprtation of this code.

Line 914"

        bl      hal_IRQ_handler         // determine interrupt source
        mov     v1,r0                   // returned vector #

So the vector is now in both r0 and v1( == r4)

        ldr     r0,=RAISE_INTR          // arg0 = type = INTR,RAISE
        mov     r1,v1                   // arg1 = vector
        mov     r2,#0                   // arg2 = 0
        bl      cyg_instrument          // call instrument function


        mov     r0,v1                   // vector #

The code above destroys the vector value in r0. Reload it from v1.

        // If we are supporting Ctrl-C interrupts from GDB, we must squirrel
        // away a pointer to the save interrupt state here so that we can
        // plant a breakpoint at some later time.

       .extern  hal_saved_interrupt_state
        ldr     r2,=hal_saved_interrupt_state
        str     v6,[r2]

        cmp     r0,#CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_NONE   // spurious interrupt
        bne     10f

Here we check if the vector returned indicates there is a spurious
interrupt. If it is not we jump over this next bit of code.

        // Acknowledge the interrupt
        mov     r0,v6                   // register frame
        b       spurious_IRQ

Cleans up the interrupt controller after the spurious interrupt. v1
still contains the interrupt vector, ie #CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_NONE
10:     ldr     r1,.hal_interrupt_data
        ldr     r1,[r1,v1,lsl #2]       // handler data
        ldr     r2,.hal_interrupt_handlers
        ldr     v3,[r2,v1,lsl #2]       // handler (indexed by vector #)
        mov     r2,v6                   // register frame (this is necessary
                                        // for the ISR too, for ^C detection)

Calculates the address of the function to call. 

#ifdef __thumb__
        ldr     lr,=10f
        bx      v3                      // invoke handler (thumb mode)
        .code   16
10:     ldr     r2,=15f
        bx      r2                      // switch back to ARM mode
        .code   32
        mov     lr,pc                   // invoke handler (call indirect
        mov     pc,v3                   // thru v3)

Calls the vector, either as thumb of ARM ISA. v1 (==r4) still contains the

        // If we are returning from the last nested interrupt, move back
        // to the thread stack. interrupt_end() must be called on the
        // thread stack since it potentially causes a context switch.
        ldr     r2,.irq_level
        ldr     r3,[r2]
        subs    r1,r3,#1
        str     r1,[r2]
        ldreq   sp,[sp]         // This should be the saved stack pointer
        // The return value from the handler (in r0) will indicate whether a 
        // DSR is to be posted. Pass this together with a pointer to the
        // interrupt object we have just used to the interrupt tidy up routine.

        // don't run this for spurious interrupts!
        cmp     v1,#CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_NONE
        beq     17f

v1 is still the vector. If the vector indicates a spurious interrupt
we don't have a DSR to call so skip the next bit of code.

        ldr     r1,.hal_interrupt_objects
        ldr     r1,[r1,v1,lsl #2]
        mov     r2,v6           // register frame

        bl      interrupt_end   // post any bottom layer handler

Now run the DSRs if possible etc.

                                // threads and call scheduler

//      mov     r0,sp
//      bl      show_frame_out

	// return from IRQ is same as return from exception
	b	return_from_exception        

So i think the comparison with v1 is correct. However, from what you
are saying it sounds like there needs to be another comparison
afterwards. Something like:

        and     r0,r0,#2 // CYG_ISR_CALL_DSR
        beq     17f


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