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Re: What functions should I call in ethernet drv ?

Hello Gary and others,

Gray wrote:
You should not have to change the driver.  The differences in
endian-ness are handled by the macros CYG_CPU_TO_LE16() and
CYG_LE16_TO_CPU().  Make sure that your HAL defines them

The received data are reserved into data buffer in lan91cxx_recv's line 1230 - line 1235 lan91cxx_recv() 1230: if (data) { 1231: while( clen > 0 ) { 1232: *data++ = get_data_byte(sc); 1233: clen--; 1234: } 1235: }

cyg_uint8 get_data_byte(struct eth_drv_sc *sc)
   cyg_uint8 c;
   struct lan91cxx_priv_data *cpd =
       (struct lan91cxx_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;

   if( cpd->data_pos == sizeof(rxd_t) )
       cpd->data_buf = get_data(sc);
       cpd->data_pos = 0;

   c = (cpd->data_buf>>(cpd->data_pos*8))&0xFF;

return c;


get_data(struct eth_drv_sc *sc)
   rxd_t val;
   struct lan91cxx_priv_data *cpd =
       (struct lan91cxx_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;

#ifdef LAN91CXX_32BIT_RX
HAL_READ_UINT32(cpd->base+((LAN91CXX_DATA_HIGH & 0x7) << cpd->addrsh), val);
HAL_READ_UINT16(cpd->base+((LAN91CXX_DATA & 0x7) << cpd->addrsh), val);

#if DEBUG & 2
    diag_printf("read data 0x%x\n", val);
    return val;

#define HAL_READ_UINT16( _register_, _value_ )                  \
   CYG_MACRO_START                                             \
   ((_value_) = *((volatile CYG_WORD16 *)(_register_)));       \

As you can see CYG_CPU_TO_LE16() and CYG_LE16_TO_CPU() are never used,
and it is impossible to reserve data in BigEndian form without change.

Maybe at the time of interpriting ARP-request, reading data exchangedly ?
I tried to find where ARP-request is parsed and interpreted,but couldn't find where it is.

I checked that ISR,DSR are called(although I'm not sure they are called right time)
so I suppose that if ARP-request is correctly interpreted and ARP-reply is made and sent out,
it will work.

I sincerely ask your favor.
Would you please let me know next few questions ?
1.I would like to know where ARP-request is parsed and interpreted,
 entry function name, and if possible line numbers.

2.After ARP-request is recognised, by what sequence lan91cxx_send is called.

3.Where ARP-reply packet is made ?
 entry function name, and if possible line numbers.

I look forward to your reply.
Thank you in advance.

Masahiro Ariga

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