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Re: cyg_io_lookup for /dev/tty0 fails

On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:42:33 +0100, Andrew Lunn <> wrote:

Ok, but I could not figure out how to get access to the assembly code. Is
there a disassembler built into gdb? And how access it from within
Eclipse? Thanks for hints.

I'm prefer disintegrated development environments (DDE).

arm-elf-objdump -d myprog.elf

You can also use it on an individual object file, ie the one
containing this function.


Hi Andrew

The problem occurs in routine cyg_io_lookup which is in iosys.c of eCOS. The assembly-code looks as follows:

00103550 <cyg_io_lookup>:
  103550:	e1a0c00d 	mov	ip, sp
  103554:	e92dd870 	stmdb	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, fp, ip, lr, pc}
  103558:	e59f20c0 	ldr	r2, [pc, #192]	; 103620 <cyg_io_lookup+0xd0>
  10355c:	e59f30c0 	ldr	r3, [pc, #192]	; 103624 <cyg_io_lookup+0xd4>
  103560:	e24cb004 	sub	fp, ip, #4	; 0x4
  103564:	e24dd00c 	sub	sp, sp, #12	; 0xc
  103568:	e1520003 	cmp	r2, r3
  10356c:	e1a04000 	mov	r4, r0
  103570:	e1a06001 	mov	r6, r1
  103574:	e50b2024 	str	r2, [fp, -#36]
  103578:	0a00000c 	beq	1035b0 <cyg_io_lookup+0x60>
  10357c:	e24b501c 	sub	r5, fp, #28	; 0x1c
  103580:	e5921000 	ldr	r1, [r2]
  103584:	e1a00004 	mov	r0, r4
  103588:	e1a02005 	mov	r2, r5
  10358c:	ebffffa9 	bl	103438 <cyg_io_compare>
  103590:	e3500000 	cmp	r0, #0	; 0x0
  103594:	1a000007 	bne	1035b8 <cyg_io_lookup+0x68>
  103598:	e51b2024 	ldr	r2, [fp, -#36]
  10359c:	e59f3080 	ldr	r3, [pc, #128]	; 103624 <cyg_io_lookup+0xd4>
  1035a0:	e282201c 	add	r2, r2, #28	; 0x1c
  1035a4:	e1520003 	cmp	r2, r3
  1035a8:	e50b2024 	str	r2, [fp, -#36]
  1035ac:	1afffff3 	bne	103580 <cyg_io_lookup+0x30>
  1035b0:	e3e00001 	mvn	r0, #1	; 0x1
  1035b4:	e91ba870 	ldmdb	fp, {r4, r5, r6, fp, sp, pc}
  1035b8:	e51b2024 	ldr	r2, [fp, -#36]
  1035bc:	e5920004 	ldr	r0, [r2, #4]
  1035c0:	e3500000 	cmp	r0, #0	; 0x0
  1035c4:	050b0020 	streq	r0, [fp, -#32]
  1035c8:	1a00000e 	bne	103608 <cyg_io_lookup+0xb8>
  1035cc:	e5923010 	ldr	r3, [r2, #16]
  1035d0:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0	; 0x0
  1035d4:	1a000002 	bne	1035e4 <cyg_io_lookup+0x94>
  1035d8:	e3a00000 	mov	r0, #0	; 0x0
  1035dc:	e5862000 	str	r2, [r6]
  1035e0:	e91ba870 	ldmdb	fp, {r4, r5, r6, fp, sp, pc}
  1035e4:	e24b1020 	sub	r1, fp, #32	; 0x20
  1035e8:	e8910006 	ldmia	r1, {r1, r2}
  1035ec:	e24b0024 	sub	r0, fp, #36	; 0x24
  1035f0:	e1a0e00f 	mov	lr, pc
  1035f4:	e1a0f003 	mov	pc, r3
  1035f8:	e3500000 	cmp	r0, #0	; 0x0
  1035fc:	191ba870 	ldmnedb	fp, {r4, r5, r6, fp, sp, pc}
  103600:	e51b2024 	ldr	r2, [fp, -#36]
  103604:	eafffff3 	b	1035d8 <cyg_io_lookup+0x88>
  103608:	e24b1020 	sub	r1, fp, #32	; 0x20
  10360c:	ebffffcf 	bl	103550 <cyg_io_lookup>
  103610:	e3500000 	cmp	r0, #0	; 0x0
  103614:	191ba870 	ldmnedb	fp, {r4, r5, r6, fp, sp, pc}
  103618:	e51b2024 	ldr	r2, [fp, -#36]
  10361c:	eaffffea 	b	1035cc <cyg_io_lookup+0x7c>
  103620:	002005c0 	eoreq	r0, r0, r0, asr #11
  103624:	00200630 	eoreq	r0, r0, r0, lsr r6

The "problematic" statement is at address 103590.
The corresponding source code is:
        if (cyg_io_compare(name, t->name, &name_ptr)) {
            // FUTURE: Check 'avail'/'online' here
            if (t->dep_name) {
                res = cyg_io_lookup(t->dep_name, &stunion.h);
                if (res != ENOERR) {
                    return res;
            } else {
       = NULL;

t->dep_name is not zero (see debugger screenshot) and hence the line res = cyg_io_lookup... should be invoked. I am not an ARM-assembler guru and hence I do not see what's wrong, bhe problem seems to be the code sequence starting at 1035B8. That's were it jumps to from 103594 - upon return from cyg_io_compare. What do you think about this?

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