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eCos 3.0 beta 1 now available for download
- From: John Dallaway <john at dallaway dot org dot uk>
- To: ecos-discuss at ecos dot sourceware dot org
- Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 08:15:51 +0000
- Subject: [ECOS] eCos 3.0 beta 1 now available for download
eCos community
On behalf of the eCos maintainers, I am pleased to announce that the
eCos 3.0 beta 1 release is now available for download. This release is
intended for testing by all eCos developers and incorporates many
contributions to the public eCos project which have been previously
available via the CVS repository only. These contributions include:
* Cortex-M, FR30 and 68K/ColdFire architectural ports
* CAN, I2C, SPI, Framebuffer, disk and ADC infrastructure
* Enhanced Flash infrastructure (flash v2)
* FAT filesystem
* IPsec, PPP, SNTP client, VNC server, and enhanced HTTP server for
FreeBSD TCP/IP stack
* lwIP lightweight TCP/IP stack
* USB serial function driver
* Object loader
* HAL and driver packages for many new processor variants, target
platforms and peripheral devices
eCos 3.0 beta 1 also includes updated eCos configuration tools which
extend host platform coverage to GTK+ 2.x on Linux and to Windows Vista.
We need your help in testing this beta release on a wide variety of
hardware platforms. To this end, we have prepared a set of testing
guidelines to assist you in providing the feedback we need:
I would particularly encourage eCos developers who have contributed
target platform support in the past to test the new release with their
contributed platform HAL and verify that there are no regressions.
For testing purposes, eCos 3.0 beta 1 should be used in conjunction with
the latest eCos toolchains based on GCC 4.3.2 wherever possible.
Pre-built versions of these toolchains are available for many of the
popular target architectures (contributed by eCosCentric).
We plan to keep the beta testing period short with a view to generating
the eCos 3.0 final release next month (March 2009).
Both eCos and the pre-built toolchains may be downloaded and installed
by following the instructions provided at:
Following installation, please refer to the release notes at
ecos-3.0b1/README.txt for details of known issues in this release.
Thank you for your on-going support of eCos.
John Dallaway
eCos 3.0 release manager
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