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running ecos application on redboot

Hi, I have been trying running an ecos application in elf format.
whether or not I set address, it doesn't work:

RAM: 0x20800000-0x24000000, [0x2081fd80-0x23fed000] available
FLASH: 0x30000000 - 0x30400000, 64 blocks of 0x00010000 bytes each
RedBoot> load -v -m tftp -h PNIO4ECOS
*** Abort! Attempt to load ELF data to address: 0x20800054 which i
s not valid
RedBoot> load -v -m tftp -h PNIO4ECOS -b 0x2081fd80
Address offset = 0x0001fd80
Entry point: 0x2081fee8, address range: 0x2081fd80-0x209802fc
RedBoot> go 0x2081fee8
<no response>

do I have to create a new elf with new memory settings or is there a
way to make it work?

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