//========================================================================== // // pipe.c // // Pipe Driver // //========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 2004 eCosCentric Ltd. // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. // // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. // // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. // // ------------------------------------------- //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND#### //========================================================================== //#####DESCRIPTIONBEGIN#### // // Author(s): Alex Paulis // Contributors: Cameron Taylor // Date: Nov 8, 2004 // Purpose: Provide a simple pipe driver that allows data to transfered from // one thread to another via a file (implemented by the pipe driver). // Description: Access to the data in the driver is FIFO. Selects are provided // for both reads and writes. The read returns when there is at // one character in the buffer. The write returns when all of the // data has been written. // //####DESCRIPTIONEND#### // //========================================================================== #include // select - selinfo #include // config_key definitions #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward references. static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_write ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, const void *buf, cyg_uint32 *len); static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_read ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, void *buf, cyg_uint32 *len); static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_select ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, cyg_uint32 which, CYG_ADDRWORD info); static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_get_config ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, cyg_uint32 key, void *buf, cyg_uint32 *len); static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_set_config ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, cyg_uint32 key, const void *buf, cyg_uint32 *len); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pipe driver device IO functions DEVIO_TABLE (pipeDevioTable, pipe_write, pipe_read, pipe_select, pipe_get_config, pipe_set_config); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the Pipe Driver bool pipe_init ( struct cyg_devtab_entry *tab) { PIPE_INFO_S *pipeInfo_ps = (PIPE_INFO_S *)tab->priv; // initialize the buffer structure. CYG_ASSERT (pipeInfo_ps->storage_pv != NULL, "storage area is NULL"); CYG_ASSERT (pipeInfo_ps->storageSize_u32 != 0 , "storage size is zero"); pipeInfo_ps->writeIndex_u32 = 0; pipeInfo_ps->readIndex_u32 = 0; pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32 = 0; // create the buffer mutex cyg_drv_mutex_init (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); cyg_drv_cond_init (&pipeInfo_ps->wait_t, &pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); // Init the select structs. cyg_selinit (&pipeInfo_ps->selinfoRx); cyg_selinit (&pipeInfo_ps->selinfoTx); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write the data into the buffer and wake up any readers waiting. static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_write ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, const void *buf, cyg_uint32 *len) { cyg_devtab_entry_t *devtab_ps = (cyg_devtab_entry_t *)handle; PIPE_INFO_S *pipeInfo_ps = (PIPE_INFO_S *)devtab_ps->priv; cyg_uint8 *dataDst_pu8 = (cyg_uint8 *)pipeInfo_ps->storage_pv; cyg_uint8 *dataSrc_pu8 = (cyg_uint8 *)buf; cyg_uint32 writeLength_u32 = *len; cyg_uint32 aLen_u32; cyg_uint32 wLen_u32; Cyg_ErrNo returnResult = ENOERR; CYG_ASSERT (buf != NULL, "data area is NULL"); cyg_drv_mutex_lock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); while (writeLength_u32 > 0) { if (pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32 < pipeInfo_ps->storageSize_u32) { /* Find min of available space, space before end of buffer and data left to write */ aLen_u32 = pipeInfo_ps->storageSize_u32 - pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32; wLen_u32 = pipeInfo_ps->storageSize_u32 - pipeInfo_ps->writeIndex_u32; wLen_u32 = wLen_u32 < aLen_u32 ? wLen_u32 : aLen_u32; wLen_u32 = wLen_u32 < writeLength_u32 ? wLen_u32 : writeLength_u32; /* Copy this portion (rest, if any, on next loop through while) */ memcpy(dataDst_pu8 + pipeInfo_ps->writeIndex_u32, dataSrc_pu8, wLen_u32); pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32 += wLen_u32; dataSrc_pu8 += wLen_u32; pipeInfo_ps->writeIndex_u32 += wLen_u32; if (pipeInfo_ps->writeIndex_u32 >= pipeInfo_ps->storageSize_u32) { pipeInfo_ps->writeIndex_u32 = 0; } writeLength_u32 -= wLen_u32; // wake up any readers waiting cyg_drv_cond_broadcast (&pipeInfo_ps->wait_t); cyg_selwakeup(&pipeInfo_ps->selinfoRx); } else if (!cyg_drv_cond_wait (&pipeInfo_ps->wait_t)) { // Unexpected exit! *len -= writeLength_u32; returnResult = EINTR; break; } } cyg_drv_mutex_unlock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); return returnResult; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read the data from the buffer and wake up any writers waiting. static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_read ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, void *buf, cyg_uint32 *len) { cyg_devtab_entry_t *devtab_ps = (cyg_devtab_entry_t *)handle; PIPE_INFO_S *pipeInfo_ps = (PIPE_INFO_S *)devtab_ps->priv; cyg_uint8 *dataSrc_pu8 = (cyg_uint8 *)pipeInfo_ps->storage_pv; cyg_uint8 *dataDest_pu8 = (cyg_uint8 *)buf; cyg_uint32 readLength_u32 = 0; cyg_uint32 rLen_u32; cyg_uint32 bLen_u32; Cyg_ErrNo returnResult = ENOERR; CYG_ASSERT (pipeInfo_ps != NULL, "buffer object is NULL"); CYG_ASSERT (buf != NULL, "data area is NULL"); cyg_drv_mutex_lock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); while (readLength_u32 < *len) { if (pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32 > 0) { /* Find min of data left to read, data til end of buffer and output buffer space left */ rLen_u32 = pipeInfo_ps->storageSize_u32 - pipeInfo_ps->readIndex_u32; bLen_u32 = *len - readLength_u32; rLen_u32 = rLen_u32 < pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32 ? rLen_u32 : pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32; rLen_u32 = rLen_u32 < bLen_u32 ? rLen_u32 : bLen_u32; /* Copy this portion of data (rest, if any, on next loop through while) */ memcpy(dataDest_pu8, dataSrc_pu8 + pipeInfo_ps->readIndex_u32, rLen_u32); dataDest_pu8 += rLen_u32; pipeInfo_ps->readIndex_u32 += rLen_u32; if(pipeInfo_ps->readIndex_u32 >= pipeInfo_ps->storageSize_u32) { pipeInfo_ps->readIndex_u32 = 0; } pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32 -= rLen_u32; readLength_u32 += rLen_u32; // wake up any writers waiting cyg_drv_cond_broadcast (&pipeInfo_ps->wait_t); cyg_selwakeup (&pipeInfo_ps->selinfoTx); } else if(readLength_u32 > 0) { *len = readLength_u32; returnResult = ENOERR; break; } else if (!cyg_drv_cond_wait (&pipeInfo_ps->wait_t)) { // Unexpected exit! *len = readLength_u32; returnResult = EINTR; break; } } cyg_drv_mutex_unlock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); return returnResult; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select: file reads or file writes only static cyg_bool pipe_select ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, cyg_uint32 which, CYG_ADDRWORD info) { cyg_devtab_entry_t *devtab_ps = (cyg_devtab_entry_t *)handle; PIPE_INFO_S *pipeInfo_ps = (PIPE_INFO_S *)devtab_ps->priv; cyg_bool dataAvailable_b = false; switch (which) { case CYG_FREAD: // Check for data in the buffer. If there is none, // register the select operation, otherwise return true. cyg_drv_mutex_lock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); if (pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32 > 0) { dataAvailable_b = true; } else { cyg_selrecord (info, &pipeInfo_ps->selinfoRx); } cyg_drv_mutex_unlock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); break; case CYG_FWRITE: // Check for space in the buffer. If there is none, // register the select operation, otherwise return true. cyg_drv_mutex_lock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); if ((pipeInfo_ps->storageSize_u32 - pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32) > 0) { dataAvailable_b = true; } else { cyg_selrecord (info, &pipeInfo_ps->selinfoTx); } cyg_drv_mutex_unlock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); break; case 0: // exceptions - none supported default: break; } return dataAvailable_b; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implement Flush/Drain controls static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_get_config ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, cyg_uint32 key, void *buf, cyg_uint32 *len) { cyg_devtab_entry_t *devtab_ps = (cyg_devtab_entry_t *)handle; PIPE_INFO_S *pipeInfo_ps = (PIPE_INFO_S *)devtab_ps->priv; Cyg_ErrNo retVal = ENOERR; switch (key) { // clear the buffer and signal any threads waiting. case CYG_IO_GET_CONFIG_SERIAL_INPUT_FLUSH: case CYG_IO_GET_CONFIG_SERIAL_OUTPUT_FLUSH: case CYG_IO_GET_CONFIG_SERIAL_OUTPUT_DRAIN: cyg_drv_mutex_lock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); pipeInfo_ps->writeIndex_u32 = 0; pipeInfo_ps->readIndex_u32 = 0; pipeInfo_ps->dataLength_u32 = 0; cyg_drv_cond_broadcast (&pipeInfo_ps->wait_t); cyg_selwakeup (&pipeInfo_ps->selinfoTx); cyg_drv_mutex_unlock (&pipeInfo_ps->lock_t); retVal = ENOERR; break; default: retVal = -EINVAL; break; } return (retVal); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Nothing yet static Cyg_ErrNo pipe_set_config ( cyg_io_handle_t handle, cyg_uint32 key, const void *buf, cyg_uint32 *len) { return -EINVAL; }