Configuring and Building eCos from Source

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Configuring and Building eCos from Source

This chapter documents the configuration of eCos, using the ARM PID board as an example. The process is the same for any of the other supported targets: you may select a hardware target (if you have a board available), any one of the simulators, or a synthetic target (if your host platform has synthetic target support).

At the end of the chapter is a section describing special issues for this architecture which may affect the way you should configure eCos for your target.

eCos Start-up Configurations

There are various ways to download an executable image to a target board, and these involve different ways of preparing the executable image. In the eCos Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL package) there are configuration options to support the different download methods. The following table summarizes the ways in which an eCos image can be prepared for different types of download.

Configuration for various download methods

Download method

HAL configuration

Burn hardware ROM

 ROM start-up

Download to ROM emulator

 ROM start-up

Download to board with CygMon or GDB stub ROM

 RAM start-up

Download to simulator without CygMon or GDB stub ROM

 ROM start-up

Download to simulator with CygMon

 RAM start-up

Download to simulator ignoring devices

 SIM configuration

Run synthetic target

 RAM start-up


You cannot run an application configured for RAM start-up on the simulator directly: it will fail during start-up. You can only download it to the simulator if :


Configuring eCos' HAL package for simulation should rarely be needed for real development; binaries built with such a kernel will not run on target boards at all, and the MN10300 and TX39 simulators can run binaries built for stdeval1 and jmr3904 target boards. The main use for a "simulation" configuration is if you are trying to work around problems with the device drivers or with the simulator.

If your chosen architecture does not have simulator support, then the combinations above that refer to the simulator do not apply. Similarly, if your chosen platform does not have CygMon or GDB stub ROM support, the combinations listed above that use CygMon or GDB stub ROMs do not apply.

The debugging environment for most developers will be either a hardware board or the simulator, in which case they will be able to select a single HAL configuration.

More information on the interactions between CygMon, the simulators, and GDB's thread-aware debugging features is available in the GNUPro Reference Manual for your specific architecture.

Using the Configuration Tool on Windows

Note that the use of the Configuration Tool is described in detail in the eCos User's Guide .

The Configuration Tool (see Figure 1 ) has five main elements: the configuration window , the properties window , the short description window , the memory layout window , and the output window .

Configuration Tool

Start by opening the templates window via Build->Templates . Select the desired target (see Template selection ).

Template selection

Make sure that the configuration is correct for the target in terms of endianness, CPU model, Startup type, etc. (see Configuring for the target ).

Configuring for the target

Next, select the Build->Library menu item to start building eCos (see Selecting the build Library menu item ).

Selecting the build Library menu item

The Save As dialog box will appear, asking you to specify a directory in which to place your save file. You can use the default, but it is a good idea to make a subdirectory, called ecos-work for example.

Build dialog

The first time you build an eCos library for a specific architecture, the Configuration Tool may prompt you for the location of the appropriate build tools (including make and gcc) using a Build Tools dialog box (as shown in Build tools dialog ). You can select a location from the drop down list, browse to the directory using the Browse button, or type in the location of the build tools manually.

Build tools dialog

The Configuration Tool may also prompt you for the location of the user tools (such as cat and ls) using a User Tools dialog box (as shown in User tools dialog ). As with the Build Tools dialog, you can select a location from the drop down list, browse to the directory using the Browse button, or type in the location of the user tools manually.

User tools dialog

When the tool locations have been entered, the Configuration Tool will configure the sources, prepare a build tree, and build the libtarget.a library, which contains the eCos kernel and other packages.

The output from the configuration process and the building of libtarget.a will be shown in the output window.

Once the build process has finished you will have a kernel with other packages in libtarget.a . You should now build the eCos tests for your particular configuration.

You can do this by selecting Build -> Tests . Notice that you could have selected Tests instead of Library in the earlier step and it would have built both the library and the tests, but this would increase the build time substantially, and if you do not need to build the tests it is unnecessary.

Selecting the build tests menu item

Test Suites will guide you through running one of the test cases you just built on the selected target, using GDB.

Using ecosconfig on UNIX

On UNIX systems the Configuration Tool is not yet available, but it is still possible to configure and build a kernel by editing a configuration file manually and using the ecosconfig command.

Before invoking ecosconfig you need to choose a directory in which to work. For the purposes of this tutorial, the default path will be BASE_DIR/ecos-work . Create this directory and change to it by typing:

$ mkdir BASE_DIR/ecos-work
$ cd BASE_DIR/ecos-work

It is also necessary to specify the location of the source repository:

$ ECOS_REPOSITORY=/opt/ecos/ecos-1.3.1/packages 

for sh/ksh/bash users; or

% setenv ECOS_REPOSITORY BASE_DIR/packages

for csh/tcsh users.

Finally, make sure the tools necessary to build eCos are available from your PATH.

For tools installed with the eCos packages (ecosconfig and ser_filter) - the default RPM installation path is shown - replace as necessary:

$ PATH=/opt/ecos/ecos-1.3.1/tools/bin:$PATH

For the path for the compiler and debugger tools, the path used in the build instructions is used - replace with the actual path you chose:

$ PATH=/install/H-i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin:$PATH
$ export PATH

csh/tsch users should do this instead:

% set PATH /opt/ecos/ecos-1.3.1/tools/bin:$path
% set PATH /install/H-i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin:$path

To see what options can be used with ecosconfig , type:

$ ecosconfig --help

The available packages, targets and templates may be listed as follows:

$ ecosconfig list

Here is sample output from ecosconfig showing the usage message.

Getting help from ecosconfig

$ ecosconfig --help
Usage: ecosconfig [ qualifier ... ] [ command ]
  commands are:
    list                                       : list repository contents
    new TARGET [ TEMPLATE [ VERSION ] ]        : create a configuration
    target TARGET                              : change the target hardware
    template TEMPLATE [ VERSION ]              : change the template
    add PACKAGE [ PACKAGE ... ]                : add package(s)
    remove PACKAGE [ PACKAGE ... ]             : remove package(s)
    version VERSION PACKAGE [ PACKAGE ... ]    : change version of package(s)
    export FILE                                : export minimal config info
    import FILE                                : import additional config info
    check                                      : check the configuration
    resolve                                    : resolve conflicts
    tree                                       : create a build tree
  qualifiers are:
    --config=FILE                              : the configuration file
    --prefix=DIRECTORY                         : the install prefix
    --srcdir=DIRECTORY                         : the source repository
    --no-resolve		                               : disable conflict resolution
    --version                                  : show version and copyright

ecosconfig output -- list of available packages, targets and templates

$ ecosconfig list
Package CYGPKG_CYGMON (CygMon support via eCos):
 aliases: cygmon
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_DEVICES_WALLCLOCK (Wallclock device code):
 aliases: wallclock devices_wallclock device_wallclock
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_DEVICES_WATCHDOG (Watchdog device code):
 aliases: watchdog devices_watchdog device_watchdog
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_ERROR (Common error code support):
 aliases: error errors
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL (eCos common HAL):
 aliases: hal hal_common
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_ARM (ARM common HAL):
 aliases: hal_arm arm_hal arm_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_ARM_AEB (ARM evaluation board (AEB-1)):
 aliases: hal_arm_aeb arm_aeb_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_ARM_CMA230 (Cogent CMA230/222 board):
 aliases: hal_arm_cma230 arm_cma230_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_ARM_EBSA285 (Intel EBSA285 StrongARM board):
 aliases: hal_arm_ebsa285 arm_ebsa285_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_ARM_EDB7XXX (Cirrus Logic development board):
 aliases: hal_arm_edb7xxx arm_edb7xxx_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_ARM_PID (ARM development board (PID)):
 aliases: hal_arm_pid arm_pid_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_I386 (i386 common HAL):
 aliases: hal_i386 i386_hal i386_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_I386_LINUX (Linux synthetic target):
 aliases: hal_i386_linux
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_I386_PC (i386 PC target):
 aliases: hal_i386_pc
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MIPS (MIPS common HAL):
 aliases: hal_mips mips_hal mips_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MIPS_SIM (MIPS simulator):
 aliases: hal_mips_sim mips_sim_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MIPS_TX39 (TX39 chip HAL):
 aliases: hal_tx39 tx39_hal tx39_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MIPS_TX39_JMR3904 (Toshiba JMR-TX3904 board):
 aliases: hal_tx39_jmr3904 tx39_jmr3904_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MIPS_VR4300 (VR4300 chip HAL):
 aliases: hal_vr4300 vr4300_hal vr4300_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MIPS_VR4300_VRC4373 (NEC VRC4373 board):
 aliases: hal_vrc4373 vrc4373_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MN10300 (MN10300 common HAL):
 aliases: hal_mn10300 mn10300_hal mn10300_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MN10300_AM31 (MN10300 AM31 variant HAL):
 aliases: hal_mn10300_am31 mn10300_am31_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MN10300_AM31_SIM (MN10300 simulator):
 aliases: hal_mn10300_sim mn10300_sim_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MN10300_AM31_STDEVAL1 (Matsushita stdeval1 board):
 aliases: hal_mn10300_stdeval1 mn10300_stdeval1_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MN10300_AM33 (MN10300 AM33 variant HAL):
 aliases: hal_mn10300_am33 mn10300_am33_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_MN10300_AM33_STB (Matsushita STB board):
 aliases: hal_mn10300_am33_stb mn10300_am33_stb_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_POWERPC (PowerPC common HAL):
 aliases: hal_powerpc powerpc_hal powerpc_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_POWERPC_COGENT (Cogent CMA286/287 board):
 aliases: hal_powerpc_cogent powerpc_cogent_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_POWERPC_FADS (Motorola MPC8xxFADS board):
 aliases: hal_powerpc_fads powerpc_fads_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_POWERPC_MBX (Motorola MBX860/821 board):
 aliases: hal_powerpc_mbx powerpc_mbx_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_POWERPC_MPC8xx (PowerPC 8xx variant HAL):
 aliases: hal_mpc8xx mpc8xx_hal mpc8xx_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_POWERPC_PPC60x (PowerPC 60x variant HAL):
 aliases: hal_ppc60x ppc60x_hal ppc60x_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_POWERPC_SIM (PowerPC simulator):
 aliases: hal_powerpc_sim powerpc_sim_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_QUICC (Motorola MBX860/821 QUICC support):
 aliases: hal_quicc quicc_hal quicc
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_SH (SH common HAL):
 aliases: hal_sh sh_hal sh_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_SH_EDK7708 (Hitachi SH7708 board):
 aliases: hal_sh_edk sh_edk_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
 aliases: hal_sparclite sparclite_hal sparclite_arch_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_SPARCLITE_SIM (SPARClite simulator):
 aliases: hal_sparclite_sim sparclite_sim_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_HAL_SPARCLITE_SLEB (Fujitsu MB86800-MA01 board):
 aliases: hal_sparclite_sleb sparclite_sleb_hal
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_INFRA (Infrastructure):
 aliases: infra
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_IO (I/O sub-system):
 aliases: io
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_IO_PCI (PCI configuration library):
 aliases: io_pci
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_IO_SERIAL (Serial device drivers):
 aliases: serial io_serial
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_KERNEL (eCos kernel):
 aliases: kernel
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_LIBC (C library):
 aliases: libc clib clibrary
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_LIBM (Math library):
 aliases: libm mathlib mathlibrary
 versions: v1_3_1
Package CYGPKG_UITRON (uITRON compatibility):
 aliases: uitron
 versions: v1_3_1
Target aeb (ARM evaluation board (AEB-1)):
 aliases: aeb1
Target am31_sim (MN10300 AM31 minimal simulator):
Target cma230 (Cogent CMA230/222 board):
 aliases: cma222
Target cma28x (Cogent CMA286/287 board):
 aliases: cma286 cma287
Target ebsa285 (Intel EBSA285 StrongARM board):
 aliases: ebsa
Target edb7xxx (Cirrus Logic development board):
 aliases: edb7211 eb7xxx eb7211
Target fads (Motorola MPC8xxFADS board):
Target jmr3904 (Toshiba JMR-TX3904 board):
 aliases: jmr tx39
Target linux (Linux synthetic target):
Target mbx (Motorola MBX860/821 board):
 aliases: mbx860 mbx821
Target pc (i386 PC target):
Target pid (ARM development board (PID)):
 aliases: PID
Target psim (PowerPC simulator):
 aliases: ppc_sim powerpc_sim
Target sh7708 (Hitachi SH7708 board):
 aliases: edk7708
Target sleb (Fujitsu MB86800-MA01 board):
Target sparclite_sim (SPARClite simulator):
 aliases: sl_sim sparcl_sim
Target stb (Matsushita STB board):
Target stdeval1 (Matsushita stdeval1 board):
Target tx39_sim (TX39 minimal simulator):
Target vrc4373 (NEC VRC4373 board):
Template all:
 versions: v1_3_1
Template cygmon:
 versions: v1_3_1
Template default:
 versions: v1_3_1
Template kernel:
 versions: v1_3_1
Template minimal:
 versions: v1_3_1
Template stubs:
 versions: v1_3_1
Template uitron:
 versions: v1_3_1

For detailed information about how to edit the ecos.ecc file, see the CDL Writer's Guide .

Selecting a Target

To configure for a listed target, type:

$ ecosconfig new <target>

For example, to configure for the ARM PID development board, type:

$ ecosconfig new pid

Then edit the generated file, ecos.ecc , setting the options as required for the target (endianess, CPU model, Startup type, etc.)

Create a build tree for the configured target by typing:

$ ecosconfig tree

You can now run the command make or make tests , after which you will be at the same point you would be after running the Configuration Tool on Windows-- you can start developing your own applications, following the steps in Building and Running Sample Applications .

The procedure shown above allows you to do very coarse-grained configuration of the eCos kernel: you can select which packages to include in your kernel, and give target and start-up options. But you cannot select components within a package, or set the very fine-grained options.

To select fine-grained configuration options you will need to edit the configuration file ecos.ecc in the current directory and regenerate the build tree.


Architectural Notes

There are no notes for this architecture.

Configuring and Building eCos from Source

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