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Re: Potential exim/minires VPN problem

This post is just for the archives and to close this thread...

On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 05:31:02PM -0400, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
> Jason Tishler wrote:
> > I didn't see any see any difference in exim's log file.  Does the
> > debugging output go to a different exim log file?
> Yes, it goes to std{err,out} of the service. That will be in
> /var/log/exim.log (standard) but if you use exim-config to set the
> service it goes to /var/log/exim/cygrunsrv_{err,out}.log
> The simplest however would be to call exim from the shell.

I worked with Pierre to investigate this potential problem off-list --
mainly for privacy reasons.  Our conclusion is the problem is caused by
my company's networking setup and not by exim and/or minires.

My company does not allow unrestricted outbound traffic -- everything
goes through some kind of proxy.  In particular, DNS requests go through
SOCKS servers. [1]  We feel the SOCKS servers are causing the DNS
request timeouts.   This causes minires and in turn exim to fail.


[1] IMO, these servers are overloaded and somewhat unreliable.

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