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Coff format on i386


at the moment I'm testing to compile eCos with coff format and until now I
have changed only a few lines.

For example into the devtab.h I have inserted and changed

#if (defined __i386__) 
#define SECTION_DEVTAB __attribute__ ((section(".devtab")))
#endif (defined __i386__) 

#define DEVTAB_ENTRY(_l,_name,_dep_name,_handlers,_init,_lookup,_priv)  \
cyg_devtab_entry_t _l SECTION_DEVTAB = {          \
   _name,                                                               \
   _dep_name,                                                           \
   _handlers,                                                           \
   _init,                                                               \
   _lookup,                                                             \
   _priv                                                                \

because it seems that the i386-coff doesn't support the
Than I had the problem that the i386 doesn't support alias. For testing
purposes I have changed a few commands which are used and then I have
compiled and linked a few of the test programs. 
This programs than I have converted with the i386-coff-objcopy -O binary to
a bin file and than I have written to a disk.
All the test programs that I have compiled are working in the same manner as
with elf format.
Can anyone say me if this is only fortunate coincidence or if this (coff
format) may be also possible with a few changes?

Thanks for any comment!


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