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Re: Question: Banked FLASH

On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 04:51:23PM +0300, Sergei Gavrikov wrote:
> Hello,
> Does exist a way (like FLASH_P2V macro) to manage flash banking using
> _generic_PIO_? I have 1 part of the solid 2M Intel 28fxxx flash, but I
> cannot use A20 line in a address mode. That line is a generic PIO line.
> Should I copy a generic 28fxxx driver code in my hal/devs/flash and
> tweak that source or there is more elegant way in eCos flash devices
> world?

There is no existing solution to this that i know of.

The flash_v2 branch has some interesting possibilities. It supports
multiple flash drivers in a flexible way. It also supports a form of
virtual addresses. So with the V2 branch you could have the 28fxxx
driver at the physical address of the flash, and it would drive which
ever bank is currently mapped in. On top of that you have a virtual
driver which implements the full 2M address range but at a different
address. It would set the GPIO line as appropriate and then pass
requests onto the physical driver, mapping the addresses as

If you do decide to implement this, it would be great to have it
contributed back. It should be possible to make the virtual driver
generic with a hardware specific package which implements the bank
manipulation function. I can help with the design and testing. It is
something i thought about doing a while ago, but never got around to.


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