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Contacting John Dallaway

Dear eCos Maintainers,

Ten days ago I posted the results of an eCos port for the Sparc Leon2/3/FT processors to the eCos Group at Linked-In <> where John Dallaway is host. Since the post drew no interest from anyone I decided perhaps contacting John through the maintainers list would be productive.

The eCos supported hardware list <> shows Sparc Leon was contributed by Gaisler Research (now Aeroflex) but with an interface through a proprietary ROM monitor. The eCos build I propose is a stand-alone Redboot boot-strap with a ROM monitor stub for a direct connection to gdb for debugging.

Perhaps John Dallaway or someone else can explain the lack of interest in my Linked-In post and comment on the value of my contribution with eCos.

Thank you for reading.

Kind Regards,
Les Miklosy PE

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