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eCosCentric Cortex-M port contribution

The eCosCentric Cortex-M port has now been checked in to the

The following packages have been added:


ecos.db and NEWS have also been updated.
See the various ChangeLogs for details.

There are a few points about this port:

- The internal flash driver is for the Version 2 driver
  architecture. To use it you will need to check out the flash_v2
  branch and merge it with the trunk. A proper merge of V2 into the
  trunk is part of the eCos v3.0 work and is ongoing.

- Support for the NOR flash on the STM3210E board is also V2 based.

- There is currently no documentation for the HALs or drivers.

- A new ARM toolchain that supports the Cortex-M is available. This
  toolchain contains a number of patches for code generation and GDB

  These toolchains are available under

  Linux:  i386linux/ecoscentric-gnutools-arm-eabi-20081022-sw.i386linux.tar.bz2
  Cygwin: cygwin/ecoscentric-gnutools-arm-eabi-20081022-sw.cygwin.tar.bz2

  These will also become available at the usual mirror sites, see:

  These tools will also be used in eCos v3.0 for targets based on the
  ARM architecture HAL. eCosCentric already have patches to make the
  tools work with the ARM HAL and will be providing those soon for
  v3.0, so there is no need to do so separately.

- Copyright and License headers currently use the original format,
  pending wholesale conversion to FSF copyright for v3.0.

Nick Garnett                                      eCos Kernel Architect
eCosCentric Limited      The eCos experts
Barnwell House, Barnwell Drive, Cambridge, UK.     Tel: +44 1223 245571
Registered in England and Wales:                        Reg No: 4422071

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