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Mailing listsThere are several mailing lists for the eCos project. Click on the list name to access the mailing list archives:
We strongly recommend you read both the eCos documentation fully and search the above mail archives before asking simple questions on the discussion lists, particularly if they are likely to be problems that people would have encountered before. Subscribing to or unsubscribing from a mailing listTo subscribe to any of the above mailing lists, use the mailing list request form below. Digest versions of each list are also available where messages are forwarded on an intermittent basis. If you are experiencing problems with the use of these mailing lists, please refer to the mailing list FAQ. Note that all posts to these lists are archived publically and are available from search engines. That includes email addresses, phone numbers, etc. The adminstrators of sourceware.org have a policy not to edit the archives. If you make a mistake and post using a private email address or disclose information you should not have, then it is not the adminstrators' responsibility to clean it up, so be careful. Contacting the eCos maintainersIn general, the above mailing lists should be used for all communication. However, if you wish to contact the eCos maintainers in a less overt way, you may send e-mail to ecos-maintainers@ecos.sourceware.org. Note that this is not a private list - the archives are available here. Please also note that the eCos maintainers are unable to provide technical support. Technical queries or requests for help or information that would have been more appropriate on one of the public mailing lists will not be answered. The eCos maintainers are: