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eCos 3.0 beta 1 Testing Guidelines
We are looking for as many developers as possible to support the push towards an eCos 3.0 final
release by evaluating the eCos 3.0 beta 1 release. At present, the maintainers are able test on a
small proportion of the total number of supported boards only. We hope that net users will be able
to fill in some of the gaps in our coverage testing. If you are able to spare some time and have hardware
supported by eCos, please consider downloading the beta release and providing feedback. We
have assembled a set of testing guidelines which should help you to assess the state of eCos
on a specific hardware platform. The guidelines will also ensure that feedback is as useful
and consistent as possible.
eCos testing procedure
- Send e-mail to
stating your intention to test the eCos 3.0 beta 1 release. To avoid duplicated effort, please also
state the host platform
(eg Fedora 9, Windows XP) and the target hardware platform (eg Atmel AT91EB55) you will be using.
- Download and install the eCos 3.0 beta 1 release by following the
installation instructions. If a pre-built toolchain
is available for your target hardware architecture, please download and use the pre-built
toolchain for all testing. If you will be testing on a Windows host and already have Cygwin
installed, we recommend that you update your Cygwin installation to use the latest stable version
of each package. Note that the Cygwin package libmpfr1 is essential for correct operation
of the new eCos toolchains.
- Build the eCos library and tests for your target using the all packages template
and with no other modifications to the eCos configuration.
We would like testers to use the eCos Configuration Tool (configtool) to
do this. However, if you really don't like using graphical tools, we would still value your
testing feedback using the command-line tool (ecosconfig). The all template is
selected in the Configuration Tool by invoking the Templates dialog box from the Build menu.
Users of ecosconfig should specify "all" as the third argument when creating a new
configuration: ecosconfig new <target> all
Note: If your target has limited memory, it may be necessary to use the default
packages template, or even the kernel packages template to ensure that the eCos tests
will link correctly.
- Run a subset of the eCos tests by invoking the Run Tests dialog box from the Tools menu
and selecting the following tests:
hal/* (all HAL tests)
language/c/libc/* (one of the libc tests selected at random)
language/c/libm/v3_0b1/tests/* (one of the libm tests selected at random)
compat/posix/v3_0b1/tests/* (one of the POSIX tests selected at random)
If any of the above tests do not pass, please cut and paste the test output from the Output
tab of the Run Tests dialog box into a text file.
- Report any test failures or other problems using Bugzilla. Full instructions are provided on our
problem reports page. Please ensure that problems are reported
against version "3.0beta1" and mention the host and toolchain which you were using for testing.
RedBoot testing procedure
Warning! Updating RedBoot on an embedded target involves an element of risk. The level
of risk depends on the alternative facilities which are at your disposal to reprogram the ROM should
the update process fail or the new RedBoot image prove to be faulty. If you are not fully aware of
the risk, we recommend that you do not attempt to update RedBoot or otherwise participate in RedBoot
testing. The eCos maintainers cannot be held responsible for boards which are rendered inoperative
by an attempt to update RedBoot.
- Install the eCos 3.0 beta 1 release, as described in the eCos testing procedure (above).
- Carefully follow the instructions for building and installing RedBoot for your
target hardware provided either in the RedBoot User Guide
or in the eCos Reference.
- Verify that you are able to enter commands at the RedBoot> prompt using
both serial and ethernet ports as applicable.
- Verify that you are able to download and execute eCos tests using GDB. Again,
please verify correct operation using both serial and ethernet ports as applicable.
- Verify that you are able to write a new image to each of the Flash memory regions provided on your target platform.
- Report problems using Bugzilla, as described in the eCos testing procedure (above).